Ear Correction.

Ear surgery or "otoplasty" is usually recommended to set prominent ears back closer to the head or to reduce the size of larger ears.
Otoplasty is usually performed on children between the ages of 4 and 14. Children who feel uncomfortable about their ears and want the surgery are generally very cooperative during the process and are happier with the outcome.
The procedure consists of making a small incision in the back of the ear and removing part of the prominent convex cartilage in the ear and fibrous tissue from the back of the ear as well. Then, the cartilage is bent back toward the head. Ear surgery will leave a faint scar in the back of the ear that will fade with time.
Length of procedure:2 hours
Type of anesthesia:Local anesthesia plus sedation
Hospital stay:6-8 hours
Post-operatory stay in Costa Rica:7 days