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Generally varicose veins appear on the legs, although they can appear on the face and other parts of the body. Frequently, they bulge and acquire a bluish or purplish color. These veins, also known as spider veins, do not represent a serious risk for a person’s health, but they can cause discomfort such as burning and itching, in addition to being visually unappealing. There are several procedures to treat varicose veins, from natural medicine and drugs, to surgeries. Several specialists believe that sclerotherapy is the best option for treating spider veins, which is the technique we effectively use at our clinic. This treatment consists on injecting a chemical solution to the varicose veins that toughens them up and then makes them disappear. This treatment can also be used on top of the skin with laser. Small bursts of light will make small varicose veins disappear. This procedure for eliminating varicose veins offers great results which are practically immediate. The first two days, the treated area might redden and a few hematomas might appear. The number of sessions required varies depending on the characteristics and needs of every patient. It is recommended not to do extreme physical exercise during the first days after the treatment. In order to eliminate the treated varicose veins, the patient should avoid standing still for too long for at least 2 weeks after the treatment. The patient should avoid lifting heavy objects. He/she should keep their legs raised while seated or lying on the bed. When the patient is seated, he/she should move their legs back and forth and in circles to keep blood flowing. Patient should wear bandages or elastic stockings during the period of time recommended by the doctor.

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