Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal consists of a narrow beam of concentrated light absorbing pigment hair follicles below the skin surface and preventing hair growth. In multiple sessions desired results can be achieved. Women and men of all ages with skin in good condition can undergo this treatment. It can be applied at any time of year, even in the summer months when the skin is tanned. Laser Hair Removal is not only for removing hair and slowing hair growth, but also helps improve the texture and elasticity of the skin. The laser generates an activation of collagen and elastin. In addition, it is recommended by dermatologists to use laser therapy to treat ingrown hairs. Health & Beauty Clinic we use a 808nm ice diodo laser. It can be applied to all skin types and is the most efficient form of laser hair removal. Specialists recommend moisturizing the area every night for a week before the laser hair removal session. Avoid sun exposure 3 days before and 3 days after.